ma yun & family net worth

ma yun & family net worth

Greetings, friends!

In most democratic countries typically, politicians and the government can be accused of playing the role of puppets in the hands of big capitalists and billionaires.

In some dictatorships like China in some dictatorships, the reverse happens. Here, big billionaires are puppets of the government.

And if they don't accept the advice of the government, then they will disappear.

Some shocking news has come from China concerning China's second most prosperous man who, prior to September was the wealthiest man of China, Jack Ma.

You've probably been familiar with his name. He is one of the most well-known billionaires in China.

He has suddenly disappeared. His last tweet was made in October of 2020.

Since then, he hasn't been found in any of the social media platforms or in public places.

What is shocking is that, allegedly prior to his disappearance He had criticized an aspect of policies within the Chinese communist group.

In today's video let's discover more about The story behind China's Jack Maand how China treats its billionaires.

It's an intriguing and shocking tale.

First, I would like to talk about Jack Ma and Alibaba. The story of Jack Ma is one of poverty to wealth.

He was born into an upper class family in 1964. He failed his college entrance exam twice.

He was successful the third time and completed his Bachelor's in Sciences in English. Following that, he was employed as an English teacher.

According to an Bloomberg documentary, Mr. Smith applied for more than 30 positions and he got denied 30 times. One of the jobs he was famous for was at KFC which he was denied.


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